Here are the top water savers from Innovate 4 Good who have showed outstanding effort , innovation
and implementation
within the span of 10 the days to find ways to solve India’s complex water problems!
Srihari Kothandapani
16 years old solve ninja from BVM Global School, Chennai
Srihari surveyed approx 40 people to investigate the behaviors associated with water usage from taps and faucets over the last 2-3 years.

His investigation to find a way to reduce the consumption by reducing the flow rate of taps.
He investigated the limitations of the solution as well
Prototypes created
potential water savings of more than sixty five thousand liters of water per family per tap per year
Unnati Shukla
13 years old solve ninja from Motilal Nehru Public School, Jamshedpur
Unnati activated her inner hands on and campaigner personas to create waves in her locality and home for saving water. This is how she started her prototyping journey.

Leveling up step by step
Unnati sharing 3 best practices that can be followed by everyone to save water
Unnati also reached out to more people with her call to action to save water through simple everyday actions and asking her supporters to respond back with practices and proof of their own actions.
13 year old solve ninja from Bharat National Public School, Delhi
Started her journey to save water by understanding how much water has the potential to be re-used / recycled from everyday usage.
She realized there is potential to re-use and re-cycle water from usage in faucets and taps.
The solution
At level 1 she shared her idea as a design on paper

At level 2 she tried it out herself with the help from team.

Her prototype potentially saves upto a hundred thousand liters of water over a year. She reached 20+ people in her locality and her circle of friends and family.
Mahi Gupta
13 year old solve ninja from DAV Girls School Mogappair, Chennai
Mahi created this follow along video for creating a DIY aerator.
She shared it on her social media channel
She also reached out to people to activate their hands on skills and help them to saving water by following along her video and connecting with her to figure out a way to add aerators in their faucets and taps.

and last but not the least - another noteworthy effort.
Darshik Dev Priyesh
12 year old solve ninja from Harvest International School, Bangalore
demonstrates his prototype to re-use reject water produced from RO water purifiers.
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