One of the things that will strengthen our democracy is to make voices and dialogues of citizens be heard out loud in Public. It is easier to be said than done.
However, efforts needs to be taken to first gain the trust of citizens who feel getting something solved through government or local authorities is a challenging task. But, with technology as an enabler we will be able to reach out to those citizens and get their voices heard like ever before.
One such recent effort, mobilising citizens of Punjab to share the top 2 priorities for their newly formed government to address in the state. We have used our whatsapp based chatbot, to make this process comfortable, convenient, safe and low-friction for citizens.
In a short span of 2-4 days we were able to get close to responses from 800 unique residents of Punjab.
46% of citizens expect Livelihood and Employment to improve
25% of citizens expect Quality of Education to improve
There were around 80 people dropped off by selecting NO in the beginning indicating they don’t want to continue.
Questions to think about:
- Why do you think the 80 people don’t want to participate?
- What do you think about the top 2 priorities? Are they important?
- Has any of the new announcements from government address the above two priorities?