Kerala State Action Plan on Climate Change

Kerala SAPCC 2023-2030 is one of the perfect blend of climate science, Kerala Government proactive measure and in house capacity building.

A core group of :busts_in_silhouette: 220 nodal officers from 91 sectoral stakeholder departments through three tiers of consultation sessions has helped to devise this Action Plan.

Key Insights:
:thermometer: Projections show a temperature increase of 1°C to 2°C under future scenarios.
:moneybag:Finance: Mitigation strategies need INR 52,238 Crore; adaptation requires INR 38,407 Crore.
:world_map: Key vulnerabilities were identified in districts like Wayanad, Kozhikode, and Alappuzha.

:red_car: Mitigation Strategies (2023-30)
:arrow_forward: Energy efficiency improvements
:arrow_forward:Installation of renewable energy projects
:arrow_forward:Increased adoption of Electric Vehicles
:arrow_forward:Upgrading Transmission and Distribution infrastructure
These efforts aim to avoid ~57000 ktCO2 by 2030, with an investment of INR 52,238 Crore. Kerala’s share is about 5%, with the Central Government covering 23%.

:ear_of_rice: Adaptation Strategies
Focused on enhancing climate resilience in agriculture, improving production practices, and building capacities of supporting institutions. Key areas include livestock, coastal fisheries, forests, health, and water resources.

:bookmark_tabs: Why does it stand out?

:arrow_forward:Assessed district vulnerability across 19 parameters and classify risk levels(high-low).
:arrow_forward:Designed sector-specific adaptation interventions with annual budgets until 2030.
:arrow_forward:Dedicated capacities through dedicated bodies like the Chief Minister’s Governing Council, State Climate Change Cell, Climate Change Working Groups, District Climate Change Cells, and Sectoral Climate Change Cells.

Kerala’s comprehensive approach serves as a blueprint for integrating climate resilience and sustainability at the state level​:seedling::sparkles:

Know more on the plan here -