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Do you want to be involved in the development projects in your ward?
If you have voted, then you are a member of a ward sabha. Your voter Id has a Ward number and as per the constitution, ‘All voters living in the Ward level electoral constituency are members of the Ward Sabha.’
Ward sabha is a platform provided to every single voter to exercise his/her constitutional rights, by allowing them to directly participate in the governance of their.ward
Questions such as, ‘How much funds were received for the laying of roads’, or ‘how are we maintaining the storm water drains’ or even a discussion on the forthcoming projects can be help at the ward sabha
Who are the members of the ward Sabha
Ordinary citizens like you and me are members of the ward sabha. If you have a voter ID, then you are a member of the ward sabja.
Ward Sabha meetings can be attended by the ward members, the local MLA and also the administrative officers
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