Changemaker Portfolio

You can access your Changemaker Profile by either clicking on this link and hitting the send button or Sending CMP on 8095500118 - Link

Video tutorial to start adding your actions -

If this is helpful, please share a :+1: in reply section. You can also ask us question here.

Thank you for sharing here.

You can access your Changemaker Profile by either clicking on the above shared Whatsapp Link, it will take you to your Whatsapp and hit the send button, or Sending CMP on 8095500118 directly.

There is another video tutotial that will let us know how we can edit our ChangeMaker Profile and adding action direcly from your profile.

The above shared tutotial will help you to understand how you can record your action from WhatsApp Chatbot number and it will automatically added to your profile.

Hope this additional information is helpful. :slight_smile: