Find out the ward number and name where the blackspot exists.
You can search for the nearest street signboard.
Visit the BBMP website and search for Know your Ward option.
Contact the Junior Health Inspector (JHI) or Assistant Executive Engineer ( AEE ) and take the required permissions for the blackspot fix. Request the JHI to visit the spot along with you to further investigate the spot.
Speak to Pourakarmikas, JHI and community members to understand who is throwing waste and why.
- During investigation, the team found out bikers and apartment residents are throwing waste at night.
- The space also acts as a waste transfer zone for auto tippers
Observe the spot and understand issues with the design of the space.
Create an event for the solve day. Coordinate logistics with volunteers and JHI.
- Ask JHI to support in collecting garbage that is cleared
- Support in blocking the road for volunteers to work safely
- Work with pourakarmikas on solve day
Come up with solutions for the problems identified.
Materials used :
- Green garden net
- Terracotta 0417 wall paint
- Yellow and Black emulsion paint
- Ivory Blue emulsion paint